Wednesday 16 June 2010

Annoying Facebookers! 1st Edition

The Let-Me-Tell-You-Every-Detail-of-My-Day Bore. "I’m waking up." "I had nasi lemak, bla bla bla for breakfast." "I’m bored at work/class." "I'm stuck in traffic." 
This one i hate the most. "I'm queueing to watch movie." "I'm still queueing. Tired.""Thinking to give up queueing" "But i still queueing" bla bla bla.

You’re kidding! How fascinating! No moment is too mundane for some people to broadcast unsolicited to the world. Just because you have 542 Facebook friends doesn’t mean we all want to know when you’re waiting for the bus or wth you are doing 60/60/24/7. Please don't tell everything every second of your life. Really,i don't give a shit about it.

The Town Crier. "Michael Jackson is dead!!!"
You heard it from me first! Me, and the 2,113,000 other people who all saw it on TV. These Matt Drudge wannabes are the reason many of us learn of breaking news not from TV or news sites but from online social networks. In their rush to trumpet the news, these people also spread rumors, half-truths and innuendo. And we don't want to know that you are updated with top stories. 

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